
For those of you that couldn’t attend the informational meeting, here’s what you need to know…

Dues this year are $30 for the academic year (includes a MISA polo) or $10 per semester. Dues are due by the third meeting and can be submitted either during a MISA meeting or to our treasurer Amber Kracht. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can do that by clicking here or during any MISA meeting.

Next, due to new regulations by the college of business in regards to student organizations, we have to wait to order the shirts until we know that our planned vendor is on the UNI approved list. Additionally, there is also a new regulation regarding our organization logo. We simply need to add University of Northern Iowa to the bottom of the logo and any printed logo needs to meet predefined specifications. A small change, but one that we need to make regardless. We will be rolling out the new logo as soon as it meets approval.

During the meeting, we went over the MISA Schedule of Events. Some dates are requested by each companies respective speaker but the MISA networking events dates are free to be determined by members based on when would be best for the majority of the members. Polls and surveys will be sent out to help us determine which dates would be best. The calendar is up to date as of this posting but dates will be added once we hear from a few additional company speakers.

Lastly, our next meeting is on Tuesday, September 6th at 6 PM with RSM. This is our first speaker of the semester and we are requesting that members (if interested) submit their resumes this meeting to be included in the MISA resume booklet. This booklet will be offered to interested companies when they come speak during an event.

If you have any questions, please use the Contact Us form or click here. Thank you and have a great semester.